Powerful Price: a deep dive into the ascension glossary and puppeteered consciousness

Powerful Price: a deep dive into the ascension glossary and puppeteered consciousness

The book I’m working on getting published now is an exploration of what would happen if the “toxic masculinity” represented by Asmodeus were to fall in love with the energy of a demonic feminine power like Leviathan. She represents the wounded feminine unwillingly forced into her masculine energy in the story. It’s only vaguely autobiographical and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. It’s heavily embellished by what I see in society as a wound, and full of magical realism and supernatural element. He actually becomes a hero and she helps save him. It’s partly inspired by falling down a rabbit hole in the ascension glossary, as well.

They shift into archetypes of Micheal and Mary and find out that the little mortal play they puppeteered into being in the material matrix has dark crystalled the angel Tzadkiel back into a being that influences the whole collective consciousness with light energy. That’s the sometimes 8th archangel that represents the Sephirah of Gevurah, or strength - An unhealed wound in the collective consciousness.

In this universe, twin flames are halved souls of angels that need to find some kind of unity between them to help shift the timeline away from something dark and dystopian into the 5D higher frequencies. All human dramas are somewhat puppeteered by higher levels of consciousness playing out issues to sharpen up their ability to understand God by descending into matter through us, being John Malkovich style. Drugs and alcohol and trauma open human beings up to demonic forces in my universe.

If I can’t get a traditional publisher interested then I might self publish. I have a first draft to beta readers now, but I’m already thinking of areas where I should clean it up and expand it. It’s already over 400 pages but I can probably cut some repetitive prose out.

I think it needs a few more rounds of edits before I could self publish it. A traditional publisher would help me with adding developmental edits, but would edge the story towards profit when I actually want to steer it further towards my vision of creating modern myths with ordinary every day, and even seedy, underworld laced content in the biblical style stories. We will see.